
The a10n project feeds elmo with source comparisons between en-US and localizations. It also gathers data from mozilla’s version control systems (currently hg.mo), and updates the data for those in elmo.

The generated data is stored as a summary in the elmo database, and as a detailed json. The detailed json is stored in elasticsearch.

Currently, there are two schemes of comparisons supported:


compare-locales uses l10n.ini files to find out what to do. These configuration files are included in the main mozilla code bases, and are used for Firefox, Firefox for Android and Thunderbird. They’re mapping one or more repositories with the upstream code including en-US to one repository per locale. The fullest example would be tb_aurora. It’s comparing mail etc from releases/comm-aurora, toolkit etc from releases/mozilla-aurora with releases/l10n/mozilla-aurora/ab-CD.

en-US repodir l10n repodir
releases/comm-auroramail/locales/en-US/** releases/l10n/mozilla-aurora/ab-CDmail/**
releases/mozilla-auroratoolkit/locales/en-US/** releases/l10n/mozilla-aurora/ab-CDtoolkit/**
releases/mozilla-aurorasecurity/manager/locales/en-US/** releases/l10n/mozilla-aurora/ab-CDsecurity/manager/**
This is rather tightly integrated to the use of different mercurial repositories for different branches. If we'd switch to unified repositories (git or mercurial), the split between repositories per locale would likely stay, but we'd reference different branches inside of a single mozilla repository for aurora and beta.


Projects that don’t use the directory structure of Firefox, but need support on the l10n dashboard are supported via a helper repository. The prominent example today is gaia, the UI part of Firefox OS. For those, a pure en-US repository is created, and compared against a repository per localization next to it. There are some features of compare-locales like filtering of entries that are not supported in compare-dirs.

en-US repodir l10n repodir
gaia-l10n/en-US** gaia-l10n/ab-CD**


The tasks can be grouped into three buckets:

  • hg poller
  • hg local update, repository and pushes db maintenance.
  • comparisons

These tasks have different concurrency and load characteristics.


The hg poller is mostly waiting for network responses from hg, and is thus well suited for single-threaded asynchronous callback code. It should be able to throttle the load on the server, but also able to scale to parallel requests.

Constraints: The current code ensures that push data and push id are providing the same order. This constraint needs review, and can likely be dropped.

Repository handling

This code segment updates the local clones that are shared among the elmo hardware, and updates the database to be in-line with that state.

Constraints: There should only ever be one task per repo here. The tasks do not touch the working directory, though.


The Changesource observes new pushes to repositories, extracts the files for those changes and submits them to the schedulers.

This is very bound to mercurial, and it's notion of having files as part of the changeset info right now. In a world with unified repositories, this would need to know the previous ref of the updated branch, and use a diff algorithm to find affected files.


The scheduler observes changes coming from the changesource, and decides for which of those to run which automation. It’s schematically composed of three decision makers, triggering three automation tasks.

The scheduler is configured by Trees, which associate repositories, directories, and a group of l10n repositories (forest) with a compare-locales (or -dirs) setup.


The first decision is whether to reconfigure the scheduler. This happens if the l10n.ini files change, or if the set of affected locales change.

If the l10n.inis change, 1. the schedulers stop taking new changes 2. the l10n.inis for the affected trees are reloaded 3. if the changes affected the configuration + trigger a rebuild of all locales for that tree with their latest revision

If the all-locales change, 1. load the changed file, and parse it 2. if there are new locales + trigger a rebuild of that locale against their latest revision 3. if there are locales dropped + update elmo to deactivate that locale’s latest Run


The compare-locales jobs are triggered either by changes to one of the repositories holding the en-US files, or to one of the repositories in the forest.


Each tree is associated with a list of repositories, and a list of directories. The configuration process gathers and resorts those. Thus, the scheduler algorithm can work the opposite way around.

  1. For the repository of this change, find all affecting directories
  2. For each file in the change, see if it affects the subdirectory locales/en-US of any of our directories above. If so, note the tree.
  3. For each affected tree:
    1. find the latest revisions of the other en-US repos that are not changed
    2. for each affected locale:
      1. find the latest revision of the l10n repo
      2. trigger a comparison, specifying all revisions of the repos, the tree, the locale, the source time (push_date of the change), and a reference back to the change


Each tree is associated with exactly one forest, with a repository for each locale.

  1. For the repository of this change, check if it belongs to an l10n forest. If so, deduce locale code from repository name, otherwise abort.
  2. For the forest, figure out which trees it affects, both compare-locales and compare-dirs
  3. If it’s a compare-dirs tree, skip below
  4. For each compare-locales tree, go through all files and see if it’s touching a file in one of the directories for that tree. Note that tree.
  5. For each affected tree:
    1. check if the locale is enabled, if not, skip
    2. find all revisions for the en-US repositories
    3. trigger a comparison, specifying all revisions of the repos, the tree, the locale, the source time (push_date of the change), and a reference back to the change
  6. For each compare-dirs tree:
    1. if the locale is en-US, do the following for all enabled locales instead of the locale of the change.
    2. otherwise check if the locale is enable for this tree. if not, skip
    3. find the revision of the en-US or l10n repository
    4. trigger a compare-dirs job, specifying both en-US and l10n revision, the tree, the locale, the source time, and a reference back to the change

Compare jobs

The comparison jobs are two-fold, compare-locales and compare-dirs. They do share some characteristics, though.

The comparisons are done on disk, on checked out files. For all repositories included in the comparison, the repositories need to be checked out with the given revisions, in the same directory structure as they’re on the upstream server. I.e., http://hg.mozilla.org/l10n-central/de/ is checked out to l10n-central/de. After the check-out, version control isn’t needed, thus doing this on hg shares or git clone -s is fine.

If multiple comparisons run on the same machine, there shouldn’t be conflicting check-outs. In most scenarios where jobs are running in parallel, you’re seeing many jobs on the same revision of en-US, thus sharing the working dir makes the comparisons benefit from OS disk caches. Thus we should be careful about synchronizing jobs on the same hardware.


This job requires a revision for each repository, and the data to get to the entry point l10n.ini, as well as the locale to compare to.


This job requires a revision for both en-US and the locale, the locale, and the forest in which the two repositories reside.

Collapsing Builds

Every now and then, you get more than one change that trigger the same locale for the same tree. Merge days are a perfect example, where we change both en-US and l10n, all around the same time. In those cases, it’s a fair optimization to only compare the latest revisions against each other.

This is fairly trivial as long as all changes are globally ordered, just update the existing request to take a new revision. If you don’t know that the order of the changes is given, things are more tricky, i.e., you need to find out which of the available revisions is newer than the other.


Let’s wrap this up by summarizing the jobs and the affected resources.

upstream repoelmo dblocal clonesworkdirES
poller RR
repo RWW
changesource ?R
scheduler RR
compare WRWW
elmo RWRR


This automation is currently implemented based on buildbot 0.7.12+.

The a10n repo will hold an implementation based on queues and celery.