Back home, a good deal lighter

Next time you see me, I'll look a tad different. That bump on my head got removed, surgery yesterday went fine, got home today. I'll be taking it slow today, but should be up to speed tomorrow. Thanks to all the good wishes.

As sure as logs are logs

... or not. As promised, I'll write a bit about build logs today. You'll see what our logs are, and, to begin with, I'll take you on a tour through buildMessage to explain how the logs we have end up being what you see served off of tinderbox....

Counting sourcestamps, changes, and faking data

As a follow up to my previous post on my digging through our build status, I want to look with a bit more detail, pretend it'd all be simple and what it could be, and, well, add the promised chocolate to coconut. Bounty. Let's look at the actual...

Looking at the internals of our builds

Chris Atlee has put up database dumps of both the scheduler and the status databases. These databases are the most detailed and (almost, status db is not) first class information on what our builds are really doing. The current code on top of...

Try'ing talos on node.js

I wasn't all happy with how django helped me in coding the try-talos visualization, so I recreated this based on node.js. The result is a single project on github, talos-node, that just requires you to get a local install of node.js. It will...

[OT] German President Köhler steps down

Sorry for the off-topic post. President Köhler stepped down. Not a bad move, in my opinion. He came out of Afghanistan and promised our soldiers out there to get support for them back home. And he got back with political cat fight. After the...

'Try'ing to look at Talos

I've started to hack on the bcp47 patch, and as I add complexity to the chrome registry code path, I'll actually need to look at performance results. Being a good citizen, I'll start with try-server builds. TBH, the prospect of having to do that...

Starting the discussion on the l20n source file format

I just kicked of the public discussion on the l20n source file format in the localization 2.0 google group. This is supposed to be the first of a series of discussion guiding us to a specification and a plan on how to implement it. Why a google...

hg annotate and "did we ship that?"

I came across the question on whether a particular piece of code was in a particular release, and if so, which. Say, you're going through old bugs like me and you want to know if something's fixed b2 or fixed b4. So you head over to hg annotate and then …

Axel loves the web

Good for the planet earth, I didn't print poster number 5. I've put it up on, hopefully that's serving it with a mime type that's full of love. Bad for planet mozilla, I did take a picture and here I'm blogging about it. Yes, I...