Localization is hard, the math way

I thought I share some statistics about our localizable strings. I'm currently trying to create a tool that would help localizers to find terms or phrases that show up in Firefox often. Roughly, an automated way to do glossaries. So, the basic...

Discussing Mozilla-Europe

Remember Mozilla Europe? Tristan does, and poked the board. Mozilla Europe has gone a tad silent with other the other organizations rising in our ecosystem, so it's about time to think about what Mozilla Europe is and what it could be. The board...

Farewell, SourceForge. Again.

SourceForge.net is changing their privacy policy again. You can read the policy in effect right now, and the one coming up on their website. Let's hope for the sanity of this post that the first is actually the link for the archived version, too....

RFE: ORM for mozstorage

Is anyone working on an object-relational-mapping for js and mozstorage? Say, something like sqlachemy does? Using JS1.7 iterators and generators, that should be totally feasible. That is, for someone that knows SQL, which is not me. Thus RFE,...

Mail matters

As everybody else, I'd like to give my 2 cts on the current mail/thunderbird discussion, and I'll do it cent-wise. I'll start off with mail. Mail matters. As of today, your email address is the root cert for vast majority of your online...

Hello? World?

Some adds just puzzle me. This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005. Found on Buildbot-devel, though the archives strip the adds you get in the actual mails.

tools don't help

Localization tools are a pity. The Hebrew localizers switched from one tool to the other, and attached a patch to bug 373436, +1190/-818 lines for toolkit alone. Given that toolkit 'only' has some 2000 strings, that's a pretty big diff. I wrote a...

... and windows l10n builds

Coop picked up bug 374197 and thus we're having l10n windows builds on the trunk again. To quote the log, ar...busted. bg...busted. ca...testfailed. cs...testfailed. da...busted. de...busted. el...busted. en-GB...busted. es-AR...busted....

New localizations to test

We have a few new localization teams putting a whole lot of effort in getting their languages up and running. For those, the l10n server is creating language packs right now, and as always, they can use as many eyes as possible. The right welcome...

Not just incubating

I have written about the incubator before, it's a tool that should help localizations newly in CVS to work towards release. It's based on buildbot, and I whacked it pretty hard recently. The result can be seen on the l10n server again. What's...