l10n-merged linux builds on the l10n server

I reached another milestone on the l10n builds on the l10n server - reliable l10n depend builds. A short recap on why they could not be reliable. Details are in Armen's and John's presentation in Whistler. First and foremost, l10n builds with...

State of the Zwiebelfisch

For those that know that I've been somewhat offline lately, good news. I'm back online. I'm not going into the details, but ISPs in Germany and their handling of customers is, errr, let's put it that way: not Firefox. Other items of progress...

compare-locales 0.5 is out

I just uploaded compare-locales 0.5 on pypi. To update your current install, use easy_install -U compare-locales This is the new version that can handle mozilla-central. There are two main features that were required to do so: Not get the...

l10n buildbot update

I've updated the buildbot master and slaves running on the l10n server in the last few days. There have been a few reasons to do so: for Firefox 3.1 localization, I will need an updated compare-locales ... and support on the dashboard there's a...

white russian

Where do we go, sings Marillion. In this context, rather, where do my thoughts go. l10n builds it is again. I'm currently working on porting my buildbot work over to buildbot 0.7.8, and prep it for mozilla-central. There are a few interesting...

l10n merge

I've just pushed an implementation of l10n-merge to my tooling repository. It's now actually just an option to compare-locales, and will do the weakest heuristic for now. Whenever compare-locales finds missing entries in an existing file, it will...

L10n buildbots builds, the first quarter

The current setup of my l10n buildbot is running for 3 months now, or a quarter. I figured that'd be a good time to do some stats. In these three months, the l10n server ran about 10600 builds, 10416 of those on trunk. Of the latter, 2330 builds...

# Localization note (netError.dtd): overrides

I thought I knew what we did for netError.xhtml and netError.dtd, but I didn't, so here's a little thing I learned today: netError.xhtml loads 3 DTDs, one for xhtml, one is netError.dtd (global) and one is global.dtd (for RTLishness). Two boring...

Users and testers

Trevor swiftly fixed bug 424993, so now I can talk about users and testers of Firefox 2 and 3, per locale, per platform. Thanks. This is data over the last 7 days, so it's not dead-on representative, and it won't cover new locales in B5, but only...

How is ab-CD doing?

Just wanted to plot a brief update. I'm currently mostly working on improving our understanding of how localizations are doing for Firefox 3. The plan is to come up with a dashboard, gathering at least the quantifiable machine-readable...