Web-based IDEs for Localization

There isn't much news on the localization tool front that I started at MozCamp in Berlin, but I've got some more questions for the web tool guys among you. As any good project, a localization editor should stand on the shoulders of giants, so...

compare-locales 0.9.4 released

There's yet another update to compare-locales, we're now at 0.9.4. Please update your local installs with pip install -U compare-locales Changes since 0.9.3 are: Catch % as error. Sadly, there's not much more the parser reports than Invalid...

Minor update to compare-locales for mobile/android/base

I've just pushed a minor update to compare-locales to pypi and the dashboard. The only change is that it applies the android quote tests to the files in mobile/android/base. As always, update your local installs by pip install -U compare-locales

compare-locales 0.9.2 released

I just uploaded a new release of compare-locales to pypi, hg.m.o and github. Changes since the last released version: Support for nested l10n.inis, notably, browser/branding. Errors on CSS specs, notably, if en-US is a length or min-width etc,...

Mozilla Europe and Mozilla in Europe

The message below has been communicated to MozCamp Berlin attendees and Mozilla employees via email, signed by Mitchell Baker and Tristan Nitot, but this should be public, so it has been posted to mozilla.governance. We also wanted to put it on a...

Ask Pike at MozCamp Asia 2011

I'll be at MozCamp Asia 2011, and as I haven't been to Asia outside of India, I figured I should talk about the things you want me to talk about, and not about what's on my head. Thus, the session is gonna be titled "Ask Pike", and I'm fielding...

... sung to the tune of ...

Everytime I redesign I cry a little Everytime I change my mind I wonder why a little Sung to the tune of that song that Simply Red covered andbug 650816.

Why I hate git

wokbok:django-durationRel axelhecht$ git push -f Counting objects: 7, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 560 bytes, done. Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)...

Data models and "vom Kopf auf die Füße"

As you all know we're having a new release scheme. That's all good and great for localization, but there's one tiny little peppermint: It exposed each and every design problem in the l10n dashboard, code-named elmo these days. As many folks...

Coming soon: cross-repository network graphs for hg.m.o

Did you miss the ability to look at our source code and figure out who's working on what where? Thought that only github can do that? Let me give you a sneak peek at what I've been hacking on over the weekend. What's the big picture of our mainline code …