This document will evolve as the implementations do.


To test a10n, you want a test environment. We’re providing a script to set one up, including

  • virtualenv with all dependencies
  • hg server with dummy repositories for l10n, and mozilla for en-US
  • working clones of the upstream hg repos, with example content, ready to push
  • a matching configuration for an hg webserver


You’ll need

If you want to enable error logging, you’ll also need a setup for sentry. A local install works fine for testing.

Please check their corresponding documentation for installation notes.

Also make sure that you’re having a ~/.hgrc that specifies your username,

 username = ...

Initial setup

First, you need a10n

git clone
cd a10n

and then you get the submodules. You only want the first level of submodules, not recursive.

git submodule init
git submodule update

Next, run the setup script,

python scripts/ $HOME/stage

This is going to create

  • env, the virtualenv you’ll want to activate, unless noted otherwise
  • a staging environment for your hg repositories
    • $HOME/stage/repos, with the mozilla and l10n/* upstream repositories
    • $HOME/stage/workdir, with the mozilla and l10n/* working copies
      You’ll edit, commit and push in these repositories.
    • $HOME/stage/webdir.conf, to use to run the webserver

There are a few configurations you want to do in a10n, the file to edit is a10n/settings/ The following should work with a local sqlite database.

    from base import *
    SECRET_KEY = 'Do Not Tell Me'
        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
            'NAME': '/my/home/a10n/a10n/settings/db.sql',
            'USER': '',
            'PASSWORD': '',
            'HOST': '',
            'PORT': ''
    REPOSITORY_BASE = '/my/home/stage/repos/'
    TRANSPORT = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//'
    # if you want to test the Sentry
    #    'dsn': 'http://user:pw@localhost:9000/2'  # see api keys on your local sentry install

Use the same configuration here as you do when to setting up elmo. Please check on the elmo wiki on howto run elmo locally.

You’ll want to use the same settings for DATABASES and REPOSITORY_BASE as in a10n.

Make sure you did create the database, and ran the initial migrations when setting up elmo at this point.

In the elmo env, you want to load our test fixture next,

./ loaddata localhost

This will add the mozilla repository and the l10n forest to your database, and thus get them picked up by the automation infrastucture. This fixture assumes that the hg server is localhost, and hg serve runs on port 8001. If you tweak either in your local setup, you need to tweak the entries in the database, too.


Now that we’re through with preparations, it’s time to start things up. The suggested path is to start bots up in the following order, and shut them down in the reverse order.

  1. rabbitmq
  2. hg server:
    . env/bin/activate
    cd $HOME/stage/
    hg serve --webdir-conf=webdir.conf -p 8001
  3. sentry, if you want to
    sentry runserver 9000
  4. a10n hg worker
    . env/bin/activate
    ./scripts/a10n hg
  5. the twistd hg poller
    . env/bin/activate
    twistd -n get-pushes

You can start and stop the elmo webserver independently of the automation pieces.

Doing stuff

Now that everything is running, let’s do something. Whenever you want to interact with the repositories, you should have the virtualenv for a10n activated:

. env/bin/activate

Let’s push the changes the script prepared in ‘mozilla’:

cd $HOME/stage/workdir/mozilla
hg push

and all our localizations:

cd ../l10n
for r in *; do hg -R $r push; done

You should see the new pushes being recognized in the log of the twisted poller, and then in the a10n worker. You can verify them being added to the elmo database by looking at http://localhost:8000/source/pushes/.

Running buildbot

If you’re interested in running the buildbot automation to create statistics in elmo, now is a good time to head over to test-master setup.