L10n ecosystem in a fishbowl

Building the infrastructure for our l10n builds is hard, mostly because it's consisting of a ton of things that you don't have control over. We're building 3 and a half applications, Firefox, Thunderbird, Fennec, and Sunbird for calendar. Firefox...

The folks we know

Seth has blogged his response to Walt Mossberg's interview with Mitchell and John, on top of the already great answer the two provided in the interview on Why wouldn’t it just be better for the consumer to go with the company that’s hired experts...

Right to left, explained

If you ever felt like you technically understand right-to-left (RTL), but lack a feeling for it, this joke might help.

New hook for l10n feedback

We have a new hook for folks to get feedback on how to expose patches to localizers. We created a bugzilla account community@localization.bugs, which interested localizers are going to follow. I for one do at least. So when you have a bug and...

Fennec added to l10n dashboard

I just added Fennec localization stati to the l10n dashboard. It's only pretending to do arm linux tgz's right now, and it's not uploading them anywhere. I expect that will happen soon on the main build machines. There were a few funky edges to...

Triggering l10n builds

Localized builds are easy, you take away en-US, throw in the localized files, and you're done. Piece of cake. Throw in 3 platforms, four different builds each, 70 locales, and you have a lot of cake. Yesterday I wrapped up a little experiment...

1.9.1 l10n repositories open for business

To echo this on planet, too, the 1.9.1 l10n repositories are open for business. Please read my introductory post in mozilla.dev.l10n before making changes to both the l10n-central and the releases/l10n-mozilla-1.9.1 repositories. If you have...

extensions, l10n, and tools

Wladimir Palant has two recent posts on perl scripts he did for helping him in managing localizations for Adblock Plus and TomTom Home. Sadly, Wladimir ignored about a year of development in the compare-locales work, and a whole other flock of...

New l10n dashboard entry points

As requested in the l10n sessions in Barcelona, I added locale entry hook. Getting all builds for, say, German, you would go to http://l10n.mozilla.org/dashboard/?locale=de. HTH.

l10n-merged linux builds on the l10n server

I reached another milestone on the l10n builds on the l10n server - reliable l10n depend builds. A short recap on why they could not be reliable. Details are in Armen's and John's presentation in Whistler. First and foremost, l10n builds with...