New version of compare-locales released, please update

I've released a new version of compare-locales, and you should really update. The new version of compare-locales adds: support for more than one support for returning more than just bools, but "error", "report", or "ignore"....

L20n presentation at FOSDEM 2010

I'll be presenting at FOSDEM on l20n, the infrastructure that we're hoping to move our localization efforts to. The talk will be in the Mozilla Developers room on Sunday, 13:15. The FOSDEM program might still give a Sunday morning time, that...

Crowdsourcing ... exactly what?

I've just run across an interesting suggestion for translating "Smiley" into English. Screenshot of it would be whereas the original (triple-licensed) translation suggestion is on Another interesting aspect of crowd...

PS: l10n-merge

Armen just blogged about this, and as it's constantly mentioned around l10n, I wanted to add a bit more detail to l10n-merge. l10n-merge is originally an idea by our Japanese localizer dynamis. The current implementation used in the builds is by...

String freezes on 1.9.2

As we're struggling with our string freezes for 1.9.2, I figured I'd put something up on planet for everyone to notice: String freezes are one only, and done with. No "I'll get that in the next milestone". First string freeze is the last. String...

Roundup report from OTT 09

I've spent half of last week in Amsterdam joining the "Open Translation Tools 2009" unconference. It was a pretty interesting and diverse crowd to be with, and by far not as tool-author-only as it would sound like. Folks coming spread all over...


Our brave build folks have cut the tags on Firefox 3.5 RC 1, and I figured I give a little feedback on that from the l10n side. As RC 1 was based on new strings, we required each localization to sign-off on the status of their localization to be …

Running into builds, just testing

I've blogged previously on how to set up a staging environment to test the l10n build system, but I didn't go into any detail on how to actually do builds in that set up. That shall be fixed. I'm picking you up at the point where twistd get-pushes -n -t …

got l10n builds

'nuff said? Not even remotely. We've had l10n builds as long as I'm working on l10n, actually, I got involved around the time when we started to do them upstream. They always were considerably better than each localizer doing their build at home...

Searching l10n

I'm contemplating adding search in l10n to the dashboard, and I figured I'd put my thoughts out for lazyweb super-review. Things we might want to search for: Localized strings in a particular locale in all locales going into a particular app...