New version of compare-locales released, please update

I've released a new version of compare-locales, and you should really update. The new version of compare-locales adds: support for more than one support for returning more than just bools, but "error", "report", or "ignore"....

L20n presentation at FOSDEM 2010

I'll be presenting at FOSDEM on l20n, the infrastructure that we're hoping to move our localization efforts to. The talk will be in the Mozilla Developers room on Sunday, 13:15. The FOSDEM program might still give a Sunday morning time, that...

hg annotate and "did we ship that?"

I came across the question on whether a particular piece of code was in a particular release, and if so, which. Say, you're going through old bugs like me and you want to know if something's fixed b2 or fixed b4. So you head over to hg annotate and then …

Crowdsourcing ... exactly what?

I've just run across an interesting suggestion for translating "Smiley" into English. Screenshot of it would be whereas the original (triple-licensed) translation suggestion is on Another interesting aspect of crowd...

PS: l10n-merge

Armen just blogged about this, and as it's constantly mentioned around l10n, I wanted to add a bit more detail to l10n-merge. l10n-merge is originally an idea by our Japanese localizer dynamis. The current implementation used in the builds is by...

Axel loves the web

Good for the planet earth, I didn't print poster number 5. I've put it up on, hopefully that's serving it with a mime type that's full of love. Bad for planet mozilla, I did take a picture and here I'm blogging about it. Yes, I...

String freezes on 1.9.2

As we're struggling with our string freezes for 1.9.2, I figured I'd put something up on planet for everyone to notice: String freezes are one only, and done with. No "I'll get that in the next milestone". First string freeze is the last. String...

Hacking DTDs into Bespin

Just a quick side note, I'm hacking on a DTD mode for Bespin. The code is pretty ughly still, but the output is getting OK. It already supports marking up errors, to a similar extent that they're found in compare-locales these days. Better...

oh my eyes, but good still

I've uploaded a snapshot of a build in progress on my test display which gives a bit better insight on what's possible to show about a build based on the information that buildbot has, or a build database had. The important pieces here compared...


Our brave build folks have cut the tags on Firefox 3.5 RC 1, and I figured I give a little feedback on that from the l10n side. As RC 1 was based on new strings, we required each localization to sign-off on the status of their localization to be …